Maksim Zinchenko

My photo

About me

Computers and everything connected with them is my field of activity. Programming for me is a way to create new technologies, achieve new opportunities and a way to make the world a better place.

I also have small experience in training IT specialists for a company and have some experience in the field of technical support for users of a telecommunications provider.


  • Linux, Windows, Android. Arduino, Raspberry Pi and etc.
  • Bash, Cmd.
  • Git, GitHub. Ansible. Docker, docker-compose.
  • AWS, GCC.
  • HTML5, CSS3, SCSS. Gulp.
  • Python, JavaScript, PHP, etc.
  • SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL, Microsoft Access, Firebird(Interbase),SQLite)
  • React, Redux, Django, Flask, Wordpress, Prestashop, etc.
  • Machine learning (DeepPavlov). OpenCV.
  • Apache, NGINX.
  • Arduino, IoT, 3d modeling and printing, etc.
  • Search engine optimization.
  • Computer graphics, Computer vision, Photography.
  • Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Gimp, Inkscape, Blender


Master's degree in Computer Science and Information Technologies


const timerManager = {
        timersIDArray: [],
        setTimeout: function (fn, delay, ...params) {
            let timerId = setTimeout(fn, delay, ...params);
            return timerId;
        clearTimeout: function (timerId) {
            let index = this.timersIDArray.indexOf(timerId);
            if (index > -1) {
                this.timersIDArray.splice(index, 1);
        clearAllTimeout: function () {
            while (this.timersIDArray.length > 0) {
                let index = this.timersIDArray.pop();


  • English - Intermediate
  • Russian - Fluent (Native)


  • Telegram: @Woxxel
  • E-mail: